
Canal Flats, BC Facility Permanent Closure

TO: All BID Group employees
Subject: Canal Flats, BC facility permanent closure

Today, we made the difficult decision to inform our employees of the permanent closure at our Canal Flats, BC manufacturing facility. Market conditions continue to deteriorate as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic with many of our customers announcing both production curtailments and significantly reduced capital spending for this year and 2021.

Today’s announcement is not a reflection of our employees or the community of Canal Flats. The division has played a critical role in allowing us to achieve successful projects across North America. We regret the impact this will have on our employees and the community of Canal Flats and we will work closely to support them through this difficult time.

We anticipate the orderly shutdown of the facility to be completed in the month of May.

Alistair Cook
President & CEO